voyage en inde

Fraysse Tours

Tamil Nadu



Tamil Nadu is known as the origin of Dravidian culture, and is famous for its monuments and temples specially Madurai, Trichy, Tanjore and many other places. Tamil Nadu is specially recommended for vacation to discover south Indian culture and Hindu religion.

Tamil Nadu climate has little variation through the year. May and June are the hottest months while October to march is the most pleasant season to travel. The rain  season arrives with the North-East monsoon.

The Coromandel coast besides its beaches, presents interesting places : Mahabalipuram with its temples and stone carving, Pondichery territory which lies within Tamil Nadu state, Rameswaram and its temple located on an island which stretches out in a strip of sand .

 Kaniakumary located at the southern end at the confluence of the Indian Ocean, the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea, is an enchanting place.

North-west of Tamil Nadu, the Nilgiri Hills , part of the Western Ghats, provides shelter to a large diversity of plants and animals you can discover in Annamalai wildlife sanctuary and Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary. Ooty, Conoor and Kodaikanal are quiet cities from where one can discover the surrounding hills.



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